Coffee / New Arrivals / Honduras Genaro Machaco

Honduras Genaro Machaco


Plum and apple with creamy milk chocolate and a hazelnut finish

Genaro Machaco is a second generation coffee farmer from the San Andres, Lempira area. Genaro parents cultivated various different crops in their lifetime, from sugar cane to tobacco, riding waves of price fluctuations until they eventually settled on coffee farming, which for their generation was fairly profitable.

Genaro and his brothers inherited the small amount of land they had and continued to produce coffee, until recently when his brother changed to cucumber farming.

Genaro lost his land some years ago since it wasnt making any money and was just causing the family to take on debt.

Genaro is a trained agronomist and started out with Aruco as a technician, visiting farmers and giving training on farm management. Four years ago Genaro decided to buy new land and start farming coffee again. He found land in the higher lands in the area, all above 1600masl, where coffee quality is higher.

Genaro grows caturra, lempira, parainema and Ihcafe 90, some of which was recently planted and some was already growing when he bought the land.

This lot is washed and given an extended fermentation of 120 hours before being dried on raised beds.

All our coffee is sold as whole beans, which we recommend for optimum flavour and freshness.
1780 MASL
Genaro Machado